Rockin’ Reads & Library Activities
By Library Romp - 3:40 PM
Back to the writing and also tote printing front. Due to numerous inquiries about our cool Library Romp tote, I’m working on getting some ready by summer. They’ll be amazing and you'll be able to get them here soon. And for those wondering what else I've been working on lately? It’s another inspirational pocket read in the making, but the big news is that I’m getting ready to launch my new children's book! (Hint: What library adventures await Pixie?) It’s going to be a series and can’t wait for you to meet 'Her'. I couldn’t just reconfigure an already completed story, so wrote a new one and now excitedly waiting for my artist to bring it to life.
Celebrate National Library Week April 13-19, 2014
So how has your library changed you? It’s no secret here that what started as a quest to define a writer, I found myself. With my Little Reader, we have traveled to places unimaginable and unearthed the stories in my heart. Having two inspirational pocket reads, another in progress, and now finally a new children’s story. I'm bringing magic and amazing journeys out of the library, which can only be seen with the eyes of a child.
I decided to change up this weeks romp and switched from going to find particular books to just hanging out. We've started exploring, asking questions, sharing, and talking with other library patrons. Here’s a list of fun things to do at your library other than just checking out books. It’s an adventure so just go with it! If you have any other fun or interesting ideas bring them on!
Here’s our list & will finish them by National Library Week!

2. Browse the travel section, find a place you want to visit, & make plans to go.
3. Go to the cookbook section, find a recipe, and cook it together.
4. Find a funny poem, read it a loud and then copy it into your journal.
5. Romp the music section and find a CD to check out. Listen to it all the way through.
6. Discover a book of quotes and write one on the sidewalk with chalk.
7. Bring paper and colored pencils. Draw from the easy I-Can-Draw-Books and have the library hang it on the wall.
8. Take a present to the librarians.
9. Leave a thoughtful review on a post-it note in a book you really loved.
10. Hunt for authors with your same last name.
11. Peruse books about where you live. Learn something new.
13. Uncover the weirdest reference book you can find?
14. Read a biography from the children’s sections.
15. Get each kid their own library card & book tote.
16. Never fuss about late fees.
Rockin' This Weeks Reads
By Brown, Ruth
In this tale a cat goes into the dark dark woods, into a dark dark house, where he finds a dark dark box and gets a surprise… Could be a great Halloween read but we’re always up for scary reads! The repetitive sentences and detailed illustrations will keep you in suspense on each page turn. Where will the cat take you next?
By Di Camillo, Kate
Louise is not your ordinary chicken. She longs for adventure and decides to fly the coop to search for the unknown. You’ll get a laugh of her silly antics along the way as she encounters pirates, circus performers and some… If you are familiar with Kate Di Camillo you know that her books often have a dark side targeting the older readers, but this isn’t the case here. Perfect amount of silliness makes for a top giggly bedtime read.
By Sasso, Sandy Eisenberg
I had to check this one out being it was about butterflies and didn’t realize it was a Jewish book until started reading it. The idea of a town down on their luck comes to learn about hope when a fairy comes along. It seemed forced, a bit contrite in making a point about having hope. Love the butterflies and hats though, which did captivate the imagination of my little listener.
This 2011 Caldecott Honor book is adorable for audiences young and old. As dad tries multiple times to tell little chicken stories, he keeps interrupting and finishing the fairytale. We’ve all been there, experienced the interrupting child. Cute story time read that seems to never get old around here. (This is our third checkout at least!)
By Tresselt, Alvin
When a heavy fog rolls into this quaint coastal town, everyday activity comes to a halt for three days. The misty pictures show a lobster man that can’t trap lobsters, sailors that can’t sail, but the children can play hide and seek with the fog. Not an overly exciting tale and those that don’t live at the beach may not be able to relate, but we sure did. There’s nothing more amazing than watching the sea fog roll in and blanketing your entire town. Little Reader says, " It's a good book to read on a fuzzy day!"
By Vail, Rachel
Do you ever get the hibbe-gibbes or jibberwillies for that matter? Katie Honors usually doesn’t, but one evening falling asleep doesn’t come so easy. Thanks to mom’s quick thinking, she captures all the scary jibberwillies and tosses them out the window. Cute way to show how to get a handle of your fears and the words are amazingly woven into this story. Well done Mrs. Vail ;-)
By Wood, Douglas
a great companion to What Moms Can’t Do, with the same green dinosaur checking
off the things dads can’t do. A fun
simple look at how fathers enrich their children’s lives. We love hide and seek around here and Little
Reader especially loved the page where dad gets found playing hide and
seek. She went straight to her writing
center and made a picture of her backyard that her dad built. I had fun overlaying
their photos into her drawing.
would be a great Father’s Day gift, but she can’t wait till then!
receive lots of funny stories, book reading quotes, and pictures and choose one
to share on each post. I try to choose
the most relevant one, but will eventually try to get to each of them. But please don’t hesitate to share them on our
other social connections. I recommend going
to our Facebook page and adding to our collection there. If you’d rather go with Twitter or StumbleUpon that’s fine as well. Either way I’d
love to here from you ;-)
always been a little excitable, a little more passionate about books than your
average person, but she was supposed to be –
was a librarian, after all.”