By Library Romp - 10:05 AM

Seinfeld’s, Halloween is a coffee table children’s book that nostalgically and hysterically goes back to the good old days of door-to-door trick-or-treating.  Indeed a unique library addition, with its eye-candy pictures and funny bone tickling humor.
                              I recommend listening to the CD first.

On a weird note, look what washed up on a Florida Beach!  Did the Dutch artist, Ego Leonard have something to do with it?  Now 3 lego men have been found… 2007 in Holland, 2009 in England, and this one.  Are we dealing with some sort of Lego Man take over?  Not sure, but my Little Reader is convinced he jumped off a boat to find pumpkins.  (Can’t wait to see what she does with this in writer’s workshop?)
So we will visit the pumpkin patch again, pick out another, turn it into a jack-o-lantern, and leave it out for him.  My life is full of writable moments; I just need to take more moments to write.

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