Pixie And The Green Book Mystery


Pixie And The Green Book Mystery is a high action magical adventure for early readers. An illustrated fantastical journey of an eight-year-old girl who discovers magic at her local library. Prepare to have your imagination stretched out of this world. 

An Applelicious Tale for ages 8.1 to 10.4


The Purple Book Mystery / Dec 2023

Pixie And The Purple Mystery is next up in the Mystery Book series. This illustrated swashbuckling journey is a bit longer than the first. Get your pirate hats on as Pixie takes on a notorious pirate in the magical hallows. Pixie keeping true to herself, is bringing more Japanese elements into this story.

A Blueberryific Adventure for ages 8.5 to 11.4

The Yellow Book Mystery / Summer2024  

A Marshmallow Exploration for ages 8.5 to 12.2