If It Ain't Broke
By Library Romp - 4:08 PM
Ever heard of the old adage, if it ain't broke don't fix it? Well, that's where I've been. Fixing what ain't broke. My Pixie story needed a revamp, not because it was bad. It was very good, just not amazingly great. And like most writers, I tend to be a perfectionist with my work. I released Pixie about a year ago. Book reviews came in and I began talking to libraries about author visits. But my kickass get out there and hustle attitude wasn't full on. The feeling I got when writing the last chapter kept creeping up. And when I got an Amazon reviewer seeing what I felt, I knew something had to be done.
I let Pixie swim around out there, but behind the scenes operation redo was underway. My story was great up until the last chapter. I couldn't seem to tie it all together. It's like having a beautifully wrapped gift, but the ribbon doesn't match it's perfection. But I put it out there anyway. Might have something to do with the expectation of needing to get the book done. I was living out my favorite childhood book, The Never Ending Story. The continual questions of where is your book and why is it taking so long? This is not how this works. Patience and time is key to success in whatever you are doing. Again with the old adages, can't rush perfection.
With all this to say here's where things stand. Pixie And The Green Book Mystery has been written and edited. We are just waiting on a few pics, which do take a while. I'm also having a new website constructed, Pixiemystery.com. In the meantime, here are a few newly added pics.
The new and improved Pixie will be ready to go in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted on the big debut. A big positive, the next book in the series is not far behind. It's a purple pirate adventure. To be exact, I'm halfway done with it and what I've done is being illustrated.
So now with my fifth grade reader home, we will be romping the library this summer. I'm going to venture out and find some new places to romp. What is the perfect library? That might be our next challenge. She came back from LLYC requesting new books. And getting them at the library wasn't enough. The Amazon cart is filling up. Apparently, these are in with these age girls. Never thought books would be a status symbol at camp. This is something to be happy about...
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
This highly inventive mystery involves sixteen people who
are invited to the reading of Samuel W. Westing's will. They could become
millionaires, depending on how they play the tricky and dangerous Westing game,
which involves blizzards, burglaries, and bombings. Ellen Raskin has entangled
a remarkable cast of characters in a puzzle-knotted, word-twisting plot filled
with humor, intrigue, and suspense.
A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L 'Engle

Wrinkle in Time is both a sci-fi story and a coming of age story. Meg, an awkward and insecure girl finds the courage and resourcefulness to overcome IT and save her father and brother. She also learns about the importance of family and love. Throughout the story there are references to Christianity: quotes from scripture, mention of guardian angels, and the idea that God is in charge of everything.
The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown

Though rowing was the vessel for the story, this is truly a story about determination, heart, grit, and hard work. These boys grew up in the Depression and yet they found ways to reach their dreams. In the process, they found a family with one another. Brown presents the story of Joe and the other 8 boys in his boat (along with their coaches) in a way that made me feel as though I personally knew them. This is a book about what America truly stands for.