Once In A Blue Moon Pie
By Library Romp - 5:19 PM
Finally got all the kinks worked out. Blogger issues that is, and only six months later it’s all fixed :-) I’m going to do it, put a Novel Ideas link up where you’ll be able to find unusual somewhat wacky things you can’t live without. Long time requested and now shortly delivered, thanks to my new blog fixing guy! I intended to write today but for some reason I couldn't get my mind off Moon Pies. You know the delicious southern concoction of graham cracker circles filled with marshmallow cream and dipped in chocolate. I’m not a sweet snacky type person, but I just can’t get enough off these. A throw back to the way back: Back in the fifties a Moon Pie and an RC (Royal Crown) soda went for 10 cents. The kind of snack every kid loved.
And why not blue moon pies, they’d be outta this world? I’d stop with the puns but they only come about Once in a Blue Moon Pie! I’m onto something here, think I’ll contact the company bout this…….

I’m back and you’ll never guess who I found? Moon Pie Mike describes himself as a cross between Rick Bragg & Jimmy Buffett and he’s the Moon Pie Company’s blogger. He writes great blurbs and I think he’s the one that can help us get Blue Moon Pies on the map. We’ll start by sending him homemade Moon Pies and a Moon Pie Valentine!
It’s a Moon Pie Valentines!
Things You’ll Need
Moon Pies
Ribbon, Tulle, Twine
How It’s Done
1. Put Moon pies into bags. Tie end with twine.
2. Print and then cut out tags. Attach to bags with tape or glue gun.
And there you have it! A fun easy cute Moon Pie Valentine!
- And why are there so few books about Moon Pies out there? All I found was this one on Amazon, so and requested it on an interlibrary loan. This gives me a sweet idea for my next book, but first how to make these nostalgic treats!
You should know by now where I politically stand. This isn’t a political blog, but do call it on the Christian conservative side. Why bring this up? I often receive emails asking me to deconstruct political views on children’s books and sometimes movies. I admittedly pay attention to the underlying message in whatever I’m reading or watching. For instance, Jim Carrey narrating Under The Sea, was an amazing underwater copulation looking into the lives of endangered species on the Great Barrier Reef . * Key word here is endangered. I’m all for animal conservation but when a story is so wrapped with political agendas, I’m done.
And here’s a reader email from this morning, “Caroline do you think the Lego Movie is political, and what side of the fence is it on? I’m not sure if I should take my children to see it because it’s receiving some negative reviews from the media.”We all know that Hollywood is a hotbed of political far left activists. So it’s no surprise that Fox news is bringing attention to the Lego Movie’s anti-business agenda. You’ve seen the plot before: An in this case the good guys (Lego People) have to fight the bad guy and his team (Lord Business & his capitalist cronies) to save the world. But seriously what movies these days don’t have socialist undertones? The Lego Movie was more on the left spectrum, but I also found conservative messages imbedded as well.
We saw the movie and mostly walked away wanting to “unleash our master builder.” Though, my older kids did look at me leaving the theater waiting for a political breakdown, but besides a couple comments I left it alone. And now Everything Is Awesome has surpassed Let It Snow. - Don’t most Lego sets end up mixed in one big box anyway?
In case you were wondering?
And in honor of Valentine’s Day I’m sharing a heartwarming story that to me that captures the true spirit of love. No it’s not wrapped in heart shaped boxes or sold by the dozens, but gets to the heart of what this day should be about. I’ve never been a fan of this commercialized day, where you end up spending twice as much for a dinner out accompanied with a frivolous gift. My husband is lucky that way, but I do a little something for him and the kids. (Sweet notes and baked heart shaped cookies.)
Totally Random Romps

B y Barnett, Mac
Ever had to listen to the same story over and over and not by choice? …Boring. In this funny take on Goodnight Moon, Opus the penguin inventively departs from his grandmother’s boring read. His imagination runs wild in a fantastical way by bringing his own text to life.
Since reading Pete and Pickles, we’ve been captivated by Berke’s humorous cartoon like illustrations and witty words. Belly full of laughs with a great lesson too boot. We all need to diverge a little bit right!

What happens when a fib goes too far? Lying can cause problems, but also can be helpful. - If done correctly that is! We rolled through the funny rhyme and the twist at the end shows when a lie can be justified. Great brother and sister read!

Ever listened to the same story over and over and not by choice? …Boring. In this funny take on Goodnight Moon, Opus the penguin inventively departs from his grandmother’s boring read. His imagination runs wild in a fantastical way by bringing his own text to life.
Ever since reading Pete and Pickles, we’ve been captivated by Berke’s humorous cartoon like illustrations and witty words. Belly full of laughs with a great lesson too boot. We all need to diverge a little bit right!
Most of us have monsters under our beds and in the closet, but Lucy has wolves living in her walls. And when her family dismisses the scratching and nibbling in the walls she seeks comfort from her pig puppet. The odd Tim Burton looking illustrations are works of art.
By Isaacs, Anne
A pioneer era tall tale about a giant fictional female character named Angelica Longrider. The Tennessee woods people have a big problem. A big Black bear is taking all the winter food and can’t be stopped, that is until she decides to take on this nemesis. Spoiler Alert: Not only does she defeat the bear, but she knocks him so hard into the stars leaving a constellation. The grain framed pictures brings out the folksy feel to it even more. We’ve read tales of Johnny Applseed, Davy Crockett, and Paul Bunyan but it’s nice to read about female heroin that’s known for courage, strength, and wit not on her physical attributes.
A Good Book Has No Ending.
- R. D. Cumming
Most of us have monsters under our beds and in the closet, but Lucy has wolves living in her walls. And when her family dismisses the scratching and nibbling in the walls she seeks comfort from her pig puppet. The odd Tim Burton looking illustrations are works of art.
By Isaacs, Anne
A pioneer era tall tale about a giant fictional female character named Angelica Longrider. The Tennessee woods people have a big problem. A big Black bear is taking all the winter food and can’t be stopped, that is until she decides to take on this nemesis. Spoiler Alert: Not only does she defeat the bear, but she knocks him so hard into the stars leaving a constellation. The grain framed pictures brings out the folksy feel to it even more. We’ve read tales of Johnny Applseed, Davy Crockett, and Paul Bunyan but it’s nice to read about female heroin that’s known for courage, strength, and wit not on her physical attributes.
A Good Book Has No Ending.
- R. D. Cumming