Two Christmas breaks and Holiday Reads

By Library Romp - 6:58 PM

Holiday hectic is in full swing, and to add chaos my oldest reindeer broke his knee and the middle reindeer broke his arm.  Yes that’s right, HK and C both decided to fracture themselves during a basketball game, but at least they spaced them out a day.  
But amidst all this, we are still enjoying the countdown and settling down each day for our Christmas reads.  And Scrabble has become popular with Gimp One & Gimp Two (HK &C)

‘Tis the reads of the season…..
A Wish to be a Christmas Tree
By Monroe, Colleen

Let me introduce our newest book addition. When one sad fir tree isn’t chosen for a Christmas tree, his woodland friends make him feel important by making him a Christmas tree. Through beautiful images it’s about true meaning of friendship.

Some of our activities

Painting pinecones and sprinkling with glitter.

Reindeer soup
(Hot chocolate, Kisses, sprinkles, marshmallows, stirred with a candy cane)

The Nutcracker
By Davidson, Susanna


The splendid Nutcracker story told on a younger child’s level and filled with vibrant illustrations.  Goes along perfect with Nutcracker activities and the ballet.

If You Take a Mouse to the Movies
By Numeroff, Laura

This picture book is very similar to If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and If You Give a Pig a Pancake, but with a Christmas theme. A laugh out loud story of events starting with a mouse going the movies, leading to popcorn, decorating Christmas trees, and so forth.  Timing of this read is fitting with how one thing leads to another, and today will end with reading The Giving Tree and stringing popcorn.
King Hugo’s Big Ego
By Van Dusen, Chris

Follow this funny rhyme and see King Hugo’s head swell with each boast.  With bright and attractive pictures your little ones can’t wait to turn each page to see what happens next. A simple lesson of modesty.

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