Q & A With Coraline
By Library Romp - 11:00 AM
Pixie And The Green Book Mystery
Questions And
Question: There are still unresolved things at the end of the story. Pixie saved the fairytales, but the Book Guardian is still on the loose. And why is he trying to take the books away?
Answer: The Green Book Mystery is book 1 out of 5. And in each episode, only immediate conflict is resolved. By leaving certain things open, this allows readers to fill it themselves. This is what makes a genuine connection. I compare it to painting a picture and each book is a brush on the canvas. It's not until the final book 5, will the whole picture be completed.
Question: Why are the pictures green and gray?
Answer: Color evokes emotion and leaves impact and expression. And it's the immersion of color in each story that impacts the reader's mood and leads them to pay attention to vibrant color in daily life.
For Pixie, green relates to her strength and persistence when she is faced with adversity. And on the negative, the color green represents the Book Guardian's possessive need to be in control and take possession of others. But overall, the green shades bring a positive revitalizing feel to the story.
You may have noticed a few blue objects in the story as well. Blue is Pixie's favorite color and insisted we add these. I agreed, as they add a different element to the story without taking away from the green shades.
Each book in the series will follow with a different color scheme. In fact the next mystery is purple!
Question: I've noticed Asian references and pictures in your story. What is the connection to Japan?
Answer: My writing is inspired by animation director and artist, Hayao Miyazaki. For me Japanese manga and anime carry deeper emotional themes that you don't see in other types of storytelling. It's about using crazy concepts to stretch your imagination. Words and pictures should take the reader out of the real world. So when I'm needing an inspirational push, I watch one of his films. The characters are unique and often just plain weird, they believe that nothing is impossible, easily make friends, and value these relationships. These are all things I want in my stories.
Let me add, Pixie is looking forward to bringing her stories to Japan. And when we go, this will be our first stop.
Ghibli Museum, Mitaka

“I do believe in the power of story. I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze and inspire their listeners.” - Hayao Miyazaki