A Writer's Inspiration
By Library Romp - 9:11 PM
To answer the question, from where do I draw my inspiration?
Bookmark - You'll find Japanese elements weaved throughout the story, Pixie And The Green Book Mystery.
Steve Jobs, entrepreneur, inventor, and co-founder of Apple Inc. His out of the box thinking and insane ways of how to make things work is something I relate to. - I'm one of those circle in the square hole people. Jobs is the motivator / inspirational piece of the pie.
Bookmark - Apples are an integral part of Pixie And The Green Book Mystery.
Gary Vaynerchuk, (#AskGaryVee) marketing expert that grew his family business and took wine library from 3 million to 60 million in just 5 years. Today he runs Vaynermedia and hustling to buy the NYC Jets. I could elaborate, but this video shows best his raw-natured approach: Language Advisory.
Bookmark - I began watching his podcasts and read his books during the entire writing process of Pixie And The Green Book Mystery. He is the application piece to my inspirational pie. You can't listen to this guy and not want to crush the obstacles in front of you. Sure most of his following are millennials, but hey your never too hold to start that business.
On a book note, here are this weeks Library Romps