#ASKGARYVEE & why I hate carrot cake.

By Library Romp - 8:50 PM

When did things get so high-tech? My 4th grader went into the children's hospital for a CT scan due to frequent headaches. It was straight out of a sci-fi movie. First she was given a movie menu and then we got to pick our room theme. Of course, we went Japanese. Then afterwards they served us sushi. No not really, we had to go to a restaurant for that.  Lights, music, action!  
They found something called cavernous angioma. Much relieved that this isn't dangerous. We will see a neurologist  to follow up, but my worries have dissipated.

We don't go anywhere without our reads.

Mom's Crushing it with #ASKGARYVEE
He's a bit much and his language offensive to some, but this guy gets me.  He's got charisma and the massive energy that I posses.  I start every morning with dose of  Gary Vee and a caffeinated beverage. No, I'm not hustling the streets of New York, nor out to buy the Jets. But crushing it my own way. Kids and books are my hustle and it's up to me to figure out my unique path. Here's what I've learned on the journey thus far. #Thanks GARYVEE
  • Most people stop building their business because of  time or money. For me it's money, it's expensive going out on your own. - But I'm not stopping. Wait until it all comes together and it will. - Then I'll reward my doubters.
  • Keep your eyes open and take advantage of social media platforms. I subscribe to Entrepreneur Magazine. It's keeps me up to date with emerging networks, always be first.
  • Be straightforward with your intentions.  My passion is writing for children and something I do full time. I've started selling my first early chapter book on Amazon. So you are going to see book promos and bookish content on this page. It would mean the world to me if I had your support on my journey. I'm all about creating a love of reading to children and invite you to check out my new book and leave comments about the book.
  • Stand out and look for inspiration where no one else is looking. I'm fascinated with Steve Jobs and how his out of the box thinking was the gateway to success. Here's to those of us that put the circle in the square hole.
  • If you can use failure to your advantage, then you got the stuff to build your game. If not get out.
  • No one gives a sh**. Outside your circle, most don't care. This brings me to carrot cake. Who thought to put carrots in a dessert, they belong at the dinner table.  My dislike is perhaps the things people put in it, like raisins and pineapple. And let's not forget the glue like substance they call icing.  Or maybe it's the negative experiences have been served with it. What's up with control and carrot cake? Every time I've been served this cake it's because the other person likes it. "I know it's  your birthday, but I'm gluten free and so got you this carrot cake instead,"  No thanks I'll pass, again.
A morning vlog from Gary Vee

The Patient's reading Harry Potter.

The first book, The Sorcerer's Stone is a great introduction to Rowling's world of wizardry and magic. Sure it's 309 pages, but an easy read to boot. With an hour wait at the hospital, she made a sizeable dent. Every fourth grader should read this. If they don't want to read alone, then read aloud to them. We have book nights every other day, where I read to her before bed.  She still loves to listen to stories. We just finished a personal favorite of mine, Alice In wonderland. I'm thinking of starting a classic next, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Pixie's Library Romps

My daughter, the inspiration behind Pixie is also reading these 3 books. Kids these days have an amazing ability to multitask. Can you read more than one  book at a time?
                      https://www.amazon.com/INGRAM-DISTRIBUTOR-ING0440414806-HOLES-PAPERBACK/dp/B004JKR1WC/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1485986884&sr=1-3&keywords=holes       https://www.amazon.com/Miss-Peregrines-Home-Peculiar-Children/dp/0316245283/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1485987668&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=perigreens+home+for+peculair+children+graphic+novel    https://www.amazon.com/Fantastic-Beasts-Where-Find-Them/dp/1338109065/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1485986788&sr=1-1&keywords=fantastic+beast+harry+potter


“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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