I scream for… books!

By Library Romp - 7:37 PM

Did you know July is National Ice Cream Month?  Today I drove over the second tallest bridge in Texas and stumbled on a Baskin Robbins.  Yes, they still have these.  After chilling with a Wild 'n Reckless Sherbet, my little book lover and I raided Barnes & Noble.  This evenings batch of books are now ice cream flavors. - Another idea!

Sally Jean, the Bicycle Queen, by Best Cari
- “A  banana cream split”

When Sophie Gets Angry- Really Really Angry by Molly Bang
- “swirly red with prickly nuts.”

Bridget Fidget and the Most Perfect Pet by Joe Berger
- “Heidi snow drop” (Heidi is our neurotic miniature schnauzer)

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